ERASMUS + | Key Action 2 (KA2) — Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
    52 months (01/01/2018 – 30/04/2022)
    4 999 338,75€
    265 117,50€


Maritime Alliance for fostering the European Blue Economy through a Marine Technology Skilling Strategy

Aim of the project

The overall aim of MATES is to develop a skills strategy that addresses the main drivers of change to the maritime industry, in particular shipbuilding and offshore renewable energy. Both sectors are strongly linked and require new capacities to succeed in an increasingly digital, green and knowledge driven economy. In addition, MATES will carry out a robust dissemination and outreach plan, aiming to increase the attractiveness of the maritime industry, particularly careers in both sectors, while also ensuring future adoption of the strategy.

Impact on the Azores Region

FRCT will participate on the development of all project actions. However, major contributions will be on the following work packages (WP):
i) WP1 (Mobilisation of stakeholders), which aims the identification and mobilisation of experts that could have an interest and contribute in the different activities of the project. Stakeholders are organised into eight thematic groups (TG), and FRCT is co-leader of TG8 (VET Standards/Governance);
ii) WP4 (Pilot experiences), where MATES will validate actions and priorities suggested by the skills strategy through the setup of 11 pilot case studies. These case studies will test the MATES concepts on digital skills, green skills, mobility, innovation management, curricula development and ocean literacy. In this way, FRCT will be responsible for implementing a pilot action related to the development of a summer school focused on innovation management and ocean literacy; and
iii) WP 5 (Long term action plan and sustainability), whose aim is to develop a sustainability roadmap and long-term action plan for sustainable use and operation of the project outcomes after the completion date. FRCT will co-lead the final task (5.3 – Long term commitment and action plan by the project partners).