Opportunities for Seaweed Aquaculture Development in the Azores

  • Estado
  • Nome
    Ana Rita Ferreira Patarra
  • Entidade de acolhimento
    CIRN – Centro de Investigação de Recursos Naturais


With the main purpose of looking into the feasibility of producing seaweed resources through culture in the Azores, in terms of where and how much, three questions are to be addressed in the present project:

A. Are the selected seaweed species good targets for cultivation in the Azores?

B. What would be the best cultivation system to adopt and implement for each of the selected species, in the Azores?

C. What would be the best compromise for seaweed culture in the Azores, in terms of where should it be located?

The project will be developed mainly at the Centro de Investigação de Recursos Naturais (CIRN) based at Universidade dos Açores under the coordination of Doctor Ana Isabel Neto, with two periods at i-mar Research Centre of the Universidad de Los Lagos at Puerto Montt, Chile (i-mar) under the coordination of Doctor Alejandro Buschmann.