Non-indigenous species proliferation under climate change scenarios: mechanisms, impacts and consequences

  • Estado
  • Nome
    Paola Parretti
  • Entidade de acolhimento


Climate change and biological invasions are among the most serious threats to marine ecosystems, as they can both have dramatic impacts on the structure and function of native communities. While the effects of climate change (i.e. increasing temperature and ocean acidity) on marine biodiversity are well documented, little is known about the influences that these changes have on the proliferation of non-indigenous species (NIS) and the mechanisms underlying their success.

This research proposes to use a multidisciplinary novel approach to better understand how different climate change scenarios will influence the proliferation of NIS. Specifically the study will focus on how temperature increases and lower pH will impact NIS biology, ecology and distribution, assessing impact on native communities and socio-economic consequences. Major findings of this research plan will include a contribution for better understanding the mechanisms underlying NIS proliferation and relevant prediction data for Azores marine costal communities and associated services.