Establishment of AMF monospecific cultures

  • Estado
  • Nome
    Sara Patricia Bettencourt Luna
  • Entidade de acolhimento
    CBA- Centro de Biotecnologia dos Açores


“The goals of this project are:

  1. Construction of a genomic library for each AMF spore species isolated from native forest of Azores;
  2. Evaluate by qRT-PCR the potential role of AMF native inoculum produced from monospecific culture into enhance the tolerance of the micropropagated endemic plants (Juniperus brevifolia, Picconia azorica and Prunnus azorica) to the acclimatisation and transplantation stresses;
  3. The combination of three techniques – qRT-PCR, SSH and 2D-E to study the changes induced by AMF colonisation in endemic plants, in order to facilitate the use of AMF efficiently for habitat restoration and sustainable agriculture. “