Regional Science and Technology Fund
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BIOPOLIS Program in Genomics, Biodiversity and Land Planning
UNESCO Chair-Land Within Sea: Biodiversity & Sustainability in Atlantic Islands, University of the Azores
Human activities and changes in land use potentially impact stream ecosystems, but official evaluations of stream ecological integrity rely only on the assessment of structural indicators, while functional indicators are not considered. This is despite the recognition by the WFD that “ecological status is an expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems”, and that ecosystem functioning is tightly related with ecosystem services. Decomposition of organic matter has been proposed as a suitable functional indicator of stream functional integrity, and multiple European projects have been dedicated to this topic. Oceanic islands are far less economically developed than mainland member states as a direct result of their remoteness, isolation and insular nature. Moreover, investigation on oceanic islands is scarce, but needed given that islands differ from mainland in multiple factors that can affect the litter decomposition, such as low diversity of invertebrates and naturally challenging water characteristics (e.g. high heavy metal concentrations).
The main goal of this project is to assess the use of organic matter decomposition as a potential indicator of stream ecosystem functioning in the Azores archipelago. The specific objectives of this project are: