New products with agricultural and health applications: bringing value to the invasive plants Gunnera tinctoria and Hedychium gardnerianum

  • State
  • Name
    Wilson Rodrigues Tavares
  • Host entity
    Grupo da Biodiversidade dos Açores (GBA) / Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais (cE3c)
  • University awarding the degree
    University of the Azores
  • Science Networks
    CIÊNCIA iD: 091F-CE49-C4AE
    ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9817-2756
    Research Gate


Given the negative impact of the invasive plants Gunnera tinctoria and Hedychium gardnerianum in Azorean biodiversity, the main aims of this work, and the writing of the thesis and its free divulgation and availability to anyone, is a) to enrich the general knowledge over these problematic species, b) to contribute for the understanding of why both plants are so invasive and c) to bring added value to their biomass waste.
